Behaviour & Relationships



Trauma Perceptive Practice: Building Safe Places for Learning

Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP) is a framework for understanding and supporting the emotional well-being of all students, including those who may have experienced trauma. It doesn't diagnose but recognizes that challenging behaviors can sometimes stem from past experiences. TPP goes beyond traditional disciplinary approaches by:

    • Building relationships: Fostering positive connections between students and staff creates a safe and supportive environment where learning can thrive.
    • Understanding behavior: TPP helps see challenging behavior as a response to past trauma, not a deliberate act of defiance. This shifts the focus to supporting students rather than punishment.
    • Promoting regulation: TPP equips staff with tools and strategies to help students manage stress and emotions in healthy ways, building resilience and self-regulation skills.
    • Responding in the moment: TPP provides guidance on how to calmly and effectively de-escalate situations and support students experiencing flashbacks or emotional distress.

By incorporating TPP, our school aims to create a trauma-informed environment where all students feel safe, understood, and empowered to learn. This approach benefits everyone, not just those who have experienced trauma, by fostering a more compassionate and supportive learning community.